February 21, 2008

lunar eclipse

The heavens declare the glory of the Lord...

Yesterday, those located in the western hemisphere were treated to a special sight: a lunar eclipse. It began around 7:45ish, continuing into the evening with the finale at 11:00 o'clock or so...don't quote me on that, I'm probably wrong. But! Despite the plague still hanging on, I braved the sub-freezing temps with a camera strapped around my neck. Initially I just stood near our dog cage/house/thing, sock-less with sandals as my standard footwear, taking a few pictures here and there. Of course, my toes and fingers began to feel the cold and I returned to the house after a little while. Seeing as it was so dark outside with the moon's light naturally waning, the pictures were a tad bit blurry (shutter speed at 1/2, for the camera-inclined). So I went back outside, took a few shots, then returned to the house. This process was done a few times, then the realization hit me. I was standing. By the dog cage/house/thing. And usually there's a stray metal pole waiting to be used as a camera stabilizer. So the next time I returned outside I employed the use of that facility with much better results for the pictures. Yet studying for a US history exam called my name around 9:00, so unfortunately I had to quit my short photoshoot, much to my personal consternation...

but to the joy of my numb toes.

ha! my camera can make another moon

In other news, today my brother and I were fitted each for a tux. Apparently the engagement bug caught my cousin and the responsibility has fallen unto the both of us to act as ushers at the wedding. The funny part is...I haven't worn a tux in 10-11 years. Yes, your math is correct. The last time I wore a tux was at the impressionable age of 8-9 years of age. Though I don't think that's when I had blonde hair...no, that was around 4-5 years old...yeah.


Anonymous said...

wow! thanks for the pics, Ashton! it was raining at my house, so I didn't get to see the eclipse. the moon was hiding behind all the scary dark clouds. :(

Anonymous said...

We saw the eclipse too. The first few were by hand, but we also eventually got out the tripod...

Cool photos!


Jessica McDonald said...

Those are great photos, Ashton!! God's creation really is amazing, isn't it??? Absolutely incredible!:)

And I haven't worn a tux in probably 17 to 18 years...it sure has been a while! :D LOL! Just kidding! :D lol! (sorry, I couldn't resist...:D)

See y'all Sunday!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Is that first picture suppossed to look like a heart? :D