April 25, 2009

the past few days

On Wednesday, Dad and Mom took off for a conference that Dad was speaking at down in Effingham, leaving the five of us kids at home to fend for ourselves...methinks we handled it pretty well. Just as long as we didn't eat all the sugar, everything was fine...

Unfortunately, pictures weren't taken during the day, but in the evening we all headed off to get our haircuts...

Naomi's really enjoys CoN

Ruth enjoys waving her hands

I enjoy not having to shave

Emil enjoys the ample leg room compared to the backseat

while Grace enjoys taking all these pictures

except for this one...

slowly the mane is depleted

I played with these toys when I was younger than their age...yes indeed...we've gone to the same person for over 15 years

the layers are proven

what can I say...even gas stations have their moments

Thursday the Barnhart's and Evans' came down for the evening...you'd be surprised how loud we became with the Last Word

the ladies discuss details

then the center of attention zooms to Jonas

Taylor is the epitome of guitar

the gathering for Scripture-reading and hymn-singing

Next up...the 2009 Rifle Match...

April 4, 2009

march experimental shoot

Last week some photographers of central IL had the pleasure of getting together to do what they do best...and a big ol' thank ye to David Price for organizing this event!

a few of the results...

then some behind-the-scene shots...

and there you have it...here's to once again having grand time at the next experimental shoot!

Blessings to y'all, dear readers of mine blog!