January 29, 2007

Nearing Twilight

A puddle gathered out on the road. Wind came from the south, creating ripples across its surface. Yesterday's rain secured many a puddle on the city's streets. Some considered that rain a torrential downpour, for not in a while had their locality received so much accumulation. A few people crossed the road, cars screeching to a stop. A mother and her son flew by, not wanting to be a nuisance. However, the son noticed the puddle and an image therein.

"Mommy, what's that thing?" he asked.

His mother stopped and peered at what her son had noticed. A man sat in a chair, hovering above the traffic. The wind increased in fury around them. Her head tilted up, looking for the object. Not finding anything, she looked back down. The chair rocked, and the man fell fast. She let out a scream, frantically looking around for someone injured. A man tripped on the sidewalk and fell as well. He glanced towards them, but turned away, seemingly uninterested in the matter.

Realizing cars around them were honking, the pair walked on. Clothes shopping was their goal for the day--school started in a week, and the young man lacked appropriate attire. They weaved in and out of separate stores along the road, buying the articles of clothing they needed. In the back of her mind, she thought someone followed them throughout the day, but searching proved to no avail. If a someone actually was following them, he wouldn't want to be found, anyway. So the pair walked on.

The time nearing sunset, they both decided a meal sounded great to top the day off. A restaurant located near where they were shopping was popular among the locals and greatly recommended by those of which they inquired. After being ushered in by a waitress, both took their seats and waited.

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