December 15, 2006

Flying Factoids

The Setting:

Chelsea, Katie, Amanda, and I playing Scattergories at the Christmas party this evening...

The Context:

The letter we had to list things with was "S," and the promt was: Things That Fly.

So my logical answer?

Scuba divers.

What?! Don't look at me that way! Wouldn't you agree that scuba divers fly underwater?!


Unknown said...

No. Sorry, Ashton. :-P

Anonymous said...

See, we are not the only ones who thought you were crazy!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ashton, this thing has got problems it won't let me comment.

Anyways, what I was going to say two days ago when I was on here was that I would only count Scuba divers as flying in the water only if they were being chased by a shark.(but then we would be referring to speed more than the flapping of arms or anything) =)