November 8, 2006

Various highlights...

...from the trip.

~ New nicknames. ;-)
>for Emil, Gremlin.
Now this needs a little history behind it or else the whole thing is night when we were all preparing for supper (one night when we served), it was decided that one of the servers would be Emil. His name was written on the whiteboard, and after examining it, I declared it looked like "Emlin." So...after some more discussion...
Gremlin was born. ;-D
>for moi, Hammer.
One word: Walleyball.

~ Log-straddle battles

From Highlights

~ Cheese sauce mini-fights

From Highlights

~ A self-defense tip: it only take 8 pounds of force to rip a person's ear off, so you do that and place the displaced ear on the person's forehead and they supposedly run away screaming and waving their arms everywhere.

~ Volleyball games until 11 every night...
...well, almost every night. ;-)

From Highlights

~ "The Princess and the Kiss" skit

From Highlights

~ Creme Brulee for breakfast (an advantage to working in a kitchen ;-) )

~ On the last night we all were together, I told the people in the bowling pic they were free to give my brother a hard time while he was serving--they accomplished that quite well. ;-D switching desserts, using up clean napkins, asking for silverware to be taken at intervals, and basically using up all his time.

~ A blizzard on the 26th - roads were closed, white-outs occurred near the base of the mountains, three feet of snow near the Springs, and general havoc such as that ;-)

From Highlights

~ Going to Lizzie's church on the 29th followed by lunch and fellowship at their house. :-D

From DB Visit

~ Getting lost multiple times: the Springs (our directions were 4 years old - and they have construction...lots of it), Kansas City (kitchen stores - so confusing), and trying to find Parkville (mapquest has no clue where that place is - i think we'll use Google from now on ;-) ).

~ Having Mom's birthday while we were out there! :-D Mom and Dad ended the day with a candle-lit dinner... :-) Then the mandatory Happy Birthday, but taking 5 minutes to sing the song... ;-D

~ Naomi losing her first tooth on Mom's b-day :-D


Simply Tiffany said...

"~ Creme Brulee for breakfast..."

For breakfast??? What kind was it? You missed the Chocolate Espresso Creme Brulee on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

:-P :-D