"List 6 things about yourself which are either weird, habitual, unusual, or just plain fun to hear about and tag six to ten others in the [Blogger/Xanga/Wordpress] world, who then, in the spirit of not wussing out, must read words like these and follow the same rules you did."
I have no clue who came up with that title.
So, without further ado...
1. When driving at night, I have a tendency to stare at oncoming cars...
why? To figure out what make/model they are, of course. ;-) (however, this does not happen when their brights are on :-P )
2. I enjoy making strange faces. :-D Some examples...
3. Whenever I brush my teeth, on average I take around 3-5 minutes to do so.
4. I'll just say this much for number 4--you should see what happens when I'm cooking in the kitchen. ;-D
5. We all know this happens in our lives: the kitchen table gets knocked out of place--it becomes crooked, not perpendicular to the refrigerator! This is a paranoia of mine. When it happens, regardless of the situation occurring (supper-time, birthday parties, during school, etc.), I move it back in place.
6. This is kind of along the lines of the second one...but...
I can cross my eyes, wiggle my ears, and roll my tongue all at the same time.
Time to do the tagging...
1. Melissa McDonald
2. Annie
3. Samuel Evans
4. Josiah Candler
5. David Price
6. Emil Bandy
If you don't have a blog, you can leave a comment with your tag instead. :-)