September 14, 2007

And so go the fields...

After months of seeing only corn behind our house, the farmers proceeded to harvest their crops starting this week along our way of the prairie. Though I guess that means we'll be blinded by on-coming cars in the evening when playing, oh well, I guess there's advantages and disadvantages to a situation like this. ;) Yet, overall, it's nice to know we've now countless acres to enjoy...

now to your center, folks, we've the combine, with a row of bushes hindering our sight. we was the photographer's fault

watch closely as it approaches, making sure nothing is left behind and wasted, except, of course, for the corn that is left behind

we believe, at this point, the farmer wonders why on earth this kid is taking pictures of him

behold, my readers, the combine in all its glory


Anonymous said...

John Deere is cooler.

Administrator said...

I totally agree! John Deere's the best!

Jessica McDonald said...

wow! I'll have to show William...though, I'm sure he would like it better if it was green and yellow! *hint* :)
j/k! :D


Steven and Milena said...

I didn't know a CaseInternatinal had any glory.
John Deeres are cooler but not as cool as the Cat Lexeon