First off, let's define the term so no confusion enters our minds:
epistemic probability (n): the likelihood that a statement is true, given the total evidence available to you--that is, given all of your background beliefs and experiences
henceforth referred to as "EP"
So I was reading part of my logic assignment last night and the section about EP came up after the first few pages elapsed, followed by some exercises one might do (thankfully no required exercises for this week *cheers for Prof. Erhard*). The exercise was the following:
Provide two statements to which most people would assign the following measure of EP...then a sample exercise and the correct answer, etc.
Well, the first thing on the list just happened to be "Certainly true." "Hmm," I thought, "what could be a nice example for this problem. Oh, I know...Republicans are better than Democrats. Yes...a perfect answer." The ramifications of this statement were rather obvious; the, ah, entertainment overall overrode this. But I realized a requirement for this statement to be true: "which most people would assign the following measure of EP." Not to be caught totally off-guard, the 2004 elections came to mind. George W. Bush won, did he not? And! with a majority vote in both the popular and electoral. We shan't, however, deal with current polls or such matters showing America to be non-approving of Bush...
Continuing on this line of thought (i.e., interesting and controversial), another example came to mind: the North beats the South any day, or...I don't think I'll go any further. ;)
(disclaimer: no, I did not submit these examples as an assignment)